Friday, April 8, 2011

Design and Designer

So I have been told that i need to come up with an idea for the bloom T-shirt design.  I have one and am currently working on it but i'm so nervous about it not being good enough. I think it looks neat and I would defiantly wear it on a shirt.  But I don't know about other people.  The idea of having a zombie popping out of the ground with flowers on its head came to me but i'm not sure how that would do. Maybe i'll just turn in two designs and see what happens.   Not Getting the winning design is the worst that could happen.  I wont die. Bring it on BLOOM!  I'm ready for it!  As for AP I am excited to say that i am on my last concentration piece and it is possibly one of my best.  I'm worried about how Controversial the title of it may be.  I think it's giving out to much information but not completely to much. Sorry that was confusing well in other words i'm doing well. YAY!

Friday, April 1, 2011

So My World is spinning.

1. I have learned that winning isn't everything.
2. I learned that I hear my art teachers voices in my head whenever i do a project, it's scary I know what
         your going to say before you say it.
3. I have learned what it takes to make a portfolio and I'm excited to start a side project portfolio during
         summer, beware my bedroom and back porch will be studios, watch out for falling projects.
I defiantly need to improve in my conceptual ness and actually planning out something before i do it.  I'm Not very good at planning.
I plan on probably still being in college in three years hopefully finally at the art institute, the people that were helping my family get everything together for my college and my parents spent $1,500 on well they bailed on my family and now i'm stuck in limbo, online ICC here I come, unfortunately.
I've gotten a broader friend group, a ton of new ideas, and the voices, well my teachers voices.  They will forever follow me in my art career.  For that I am Grateful.  It's been a great year working with all of you and i hope to see you later on down the road in some crazy hometown/ big city art galleries. This Entire calls is extremely talented.  Don't give up the dream guys.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Find an object pick it up cover it with fabric and all the day, MAKE FABRIC ART!

I Wanted to introduce you all to a new artist that I found last semester forgot about her and then decided to bring her back.  Her name is Shoplifter and Amber and I in first hour this morning were talking about ideas for the new breadth piece that we will all be creating then the idea of a fabric piece popped up.  All of that reminded me of Shoplifter and Her Fabric Art.  Throughout this i;ll be going through a few of my favorites by her.  The massive installments she creates out of hair and fabric are beautiful and innovative.

I Love this piece its one of her newest and its behind glass but I think the way that the glass sections it off just adds another element of design to it.  I truly enjoy the way she incorporated lights in the fabrics and made it look alive, free flowing, moving, I think its a lot like life.  It's from her a.v.a.f series.
I love the intensity of the look on this girls face how she looks so soft but like she's ready to do battle at any moment. its strong.
heres another angle of the same design here she looks defeated. maybe perhaps she lost her battle that she was trying to win with beauty and softness.

This is a new one for me but the moment i saw it i was like "WOW"  Who knew doilies could be so innovative!
This is by far my Favorite installment of hers. It's called White wedding and the horse looks absolutely gorgeous. if only to see this on a real horse, I think it would be something fantastic.
The tail is one of the best parts in my opinion so vw-ah la!
I love the draping and the curl it looks like if the hors was walking it would bounce and twirl.

Alright one more that i thought was more humorous than artistic i guess her photography of it, is what make it artistic.
Her siamese twins installments are beautiful and certainly unique.

In this last one i love the look on the girls face who is standing up. These are all t=her siamese twins installments.  and she has many other interesting pieces. I hope This has opened you up to a new art type and check her out!

Shoplifters website is

Check it out i think you might all enjoy it as much as I do.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Free is a blog

Ok so lately i've been doing a lot of just straight up cartooning and i'm really excited about it but i'm not sure if its as good as i think it is so i'm going to put up a few pictures for you to view and critique and tell me what you think of my semi cartooning style. Or what i can do to change it and make it better.

follow the link to veiw a slide show of the images i need critiqued.!117&authkey=3!!MOMMSeuU%24

i hope to hear from you all and get good feedback!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

HEY WHERES MY TIARA!?!?!?!? ugg show season...

Honistly, I'm stressed beyond beleif right now.  To see all my friends getting into shows is great, but the feeling of i'm not doing good enough to be put into a show is starting to overwhelm me.  I'm scared that my work isnt good enough and if thats the case, i can't go into an art feild.  If i'm not good enough, why try?  see my point,  I sappose that i'm just scared, I feel like I don't know what to do anymore and I feel like im running out of ideas and that's scary in itself.  I guess I just need some reasurence that what i'm doing is right and it is good.  Though it may not appeal to everyone I hope it at least appeals to some.  I'm really thankful for the feedback i've been getting from everyone, just be brutally honist with me at all times tho.  I've gone through more than any of you know (with the aception of nena).  I can take strong words, if you hate something just flat out say you hate it I'll toss it or rework it.  I'm scared of very little and i feel like you guys think I might eat you or something if u affend me, NOTE: the most ill do is pout or cry, it has to be really awful to make me cry. On a lighter note has my writting improved?  Help me get into shows? I don't do it to win, I do it to get my name out there, to be known for what I am best at is a step in the right direction. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011


YAY! i just thought i'd give a quick little paragraph or so update to my last blog.  Well call me crazy and say i've gone off the deep end but i did it.  i created my crazy pink girly flowered flyers and handed them out to ten girls, i've got ten more printed off and ready to go.  yay! so i;ve gotten some pretty good responces like one of my friends who is actually a model K.D she is going to model for me she said she loves the edgie stuff so I'm going to set up times and such to work around scheduals and all woo hoo! i'm certianally excited.  and i'm working with one girl now who is going to help me in the locker room shoot.  R.W i'm honestly exuberant.  and i can't wait to get it all shot and edited i think it will be a great project and i think it's already teaching me so much i can't wait to learn more.  thank you to everyone whos going to help me with all these projects.  and thank you AP students! your always encouraging and trying to help make me better.  Now i am off to take over and rule the world with art! 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I feel so lost in translation...

So I have decided that turnning into my normal art crating monster is going to be harder than i presumed.  I really have a ton of ideas but where the time and or the oppertunity arises i may never be able to get them out.  My concentration is Abuse of Wemon by men and im having a terrable time with all of it. i really need models and im thinking about making crative flyers and sticking them around the school.   Sometimes i wish the media hadnt poisened girls like me, into thinking were all some crazy hidious monster if we dont look like a fri***n<not a actual bad word just censored for my protection aginst teacher wrath> barbie doll.  i'm curvy and although i'd like to lose weight,, i love my curves, there fantastic.  im womanly. witch becomes a problem when im around older guys especially now that im 18.  i think things are just going to get even more complicated in the life and times of Kallie. oh well i like it that way, its what makes me artsy and creative, strong, independant , beautiful, ugly, smart, dumb, crazy and all around me.  sooo next week i'll be making model flyers! and handing them out hopefully i'll get some lovely ladies and a few hadsome gentlemen.  willing to step up to the bat?? let me know!  well til next week i'm outt!                            

Monday, January 24, 2011


I Personally Agree with Mrs. Martin. It's a little ridiculous but i like it. it makes me question the ideas behind the artist and why he did what he did, i think the piece is pretty fabulous though.  Capturing something that always captures humans.  I really enjoy the idea behind it.  I enjoyed the website although i wish that they would have put the pictures or several photos of the pieces directly on there jumping all over the place wasn't very fun.  I wouldn't say that it "Blows My Mind" but i am puzzled. although i think tiger sharks are endangered so i can understand that.  but as far as some of the other pieces, i really have no idea why it matters. there good pieces and there fun to look at.  I do Wonder, What would Mrs. Martin name the shark???

Well if this is controversial, i hope i can one day be in it. I Love stirring things up a bit.

Enjoy what is to come!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ego Credo in Pulchra art

I Have a numerous amount of Breath pieces and i have about 6 concentration pieces, reason for breath is because i have so many ideas and i have a photography class I'm currently taking as well.  that's one of my strengths i believe, having so much art so that i can get so many pieces done in their entirety.  but my weakness for having all of these to create is finding time to create, between work and other classes the two that don't revolve around music or art it's honestly very hard to just find some time to create and time to chill and be calm.  I'm going to turn my room into an art sanctuary... the thought of getting rid of my bed and putting my easel in its place is overwhelming.  First semester was defiantly a challenge thinking that i failed more that one class is awful and I'm Glad none of the classes I'm taking are required to pass, i got those all out of the way last year.  YAY! so soon the Art Facto Monstrum {Art Making Monster} will soon be emerging out of me and BAM! art will be everywhere, don't be surprised if my clothing happens to acquire an extra hint of color somewhere, stained in by paint or pastel.  i pray that we will have a good washer, in the upcoming days.  my favorite project from first semester was my octopus girl, its my absolute Favorite piece thus far i hope the one I'm working on now and the paper towel flowers as a nonsense piece will also be creative and unique.  I've learned that I'm really god at strange and cgi and pastels, hard and oil.  I Don't do well under pressure however, if you want some really crappy artwork then push me to get it done, if you want me to do great artwork, help me expand my mind and help me take my time and help me to find other artists like me and give me ideas.  Please Help me find Time.

Amor and Art

Thursday, January 6, 2011

diffrences of the year

I Often do wish that i would have done some diffrent peices during the year, like the one photograpy or two perhaps that i still really want to do. Its hard to find a girl comfortable enough with pretending to be nude... Of course she would have clothing on but the idea of others seeing it and thinking shes skantially clad is almost unbearable it seems.  So alling all girls who are comfortable with themselves, I NEED YOU!  I also want to complete a couple nonsince peices that would go into the breath section of my portfolio something more sculptural with the papertowl flowers of wich I have become obsessed with, and something just random and diffrent im not completly sure as to what yet but i will deffantly let you know when i figure it out.  some of the changes i want to do this coming semester well watch out because things are going to lighen up such as homework, and im going to once again be an art monster, it happens every summer.  The Peice that i Personally am most proud of thus far would be either my octopus peice or my zombie peice, zombie for breath and octopus for my concentration, because i officially have a story behind it and i should probably type it up. but that will be for when i have time. well thats all folks!