Thursday, February 24, 2011

HEY WHERES MY TIARA!?!?!?!? ugg show season...

Honistly, I'm stressed beyond beleif right now.  To see all my friends getting into shows is great, but the feeling of i'm not doing good enough to be put into a show is starting to overwhelm me.  I'm scared that my work isnt good enough and if thats the case, i can't go into an art feild.  If i'm not good enough, why try?  see my point,  I sappose that i'm just scared, I feel like I don't know what to do anymore and I feel like im running out of ideas and that's scary in itself.  I guess I just need some reasurence that what i'm doing is right and it is good.  Though it may not appeal to everyone I hope it at least appeals to some.  I'm really thankful for the feedback i've been getting from everyone, just be brutally honist with me at all times tho.  I've gone through more than any of you know (with the aception of nena).  I can take strong words, if you hate something just flat out say you hate it I'll toss it or rework it.  I'm scared of very little and i feel like you guys think I might eat you or something if u affend me, NOTE: the most ill do is pout or cry, it has to be really awful to make me cry. On a lighter note has my writting improved?  Help me get into shows? I don't do it to win, I do it to get my name out there, to be known for what I am best at is a step in the right direction. 


  1. thats kind of how I feel I haven't got into any shows either

  2. The hard part with shows is that you know certain ones look for certain types of work. I don't think either one of you should be nervous about your work. You both are talented kids who will get your names out there when the time is right.
