Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ego Credo in Pulchra art

I Have a numerous amount of Breath pieces and i have about 6 concentration pieces, reason for breath is because i have so many ideas and i have a photography class I'm currently taking as well.  that's one of my strengths i believe, having so much art so that i can get so many pieces done in their entirety.  but my weakness for having all of these to create is finding time to create, between work and other classes the two that don't revolve around music or art it's honestly very hard to just find some time to create and time to chill and be calm.  I'm going to turn my room into an art sanctuary... the thought of getting rid of my bed and putting my easel in its place is overwhelming.  First semester was defiantly a challenge thinking that i failed more that one class is awful and I'm Glad none of the classes I'm taking are required to pass, i got those all out of the way last year.  YAY! so soon the Art Facto Monstrum {Art Making Monster} will soon be emerging out of me and BAM! art will be everywhere, don't be surprised if my clothing happens to acquire an extra hint of color somewhere, stained in by paint or pastel.  i pray that we will have a good washer, in the upcoming days.  my favorite project from first semester was my octopus girl, its my absolute Favorite piece thus far i hope the one I'm working on now and the paper towel flowers as a nonsense piece will also be creative and unique.  I've learned that I'm really god at strange and cgi and pastels, hard and oil.  I Don't do well under pressure however, if you want some really crappy artwork then push me to get it done, if you want me to do great artwork, help me expand my mind and help me take my time and help me to find other artists like me and give me ideas.  Please Help me find Time.

Amor and Art


  1. I think you should take weekends off of work to find time to create. I know I only work sat. mornings and leave the rest of the weekend to myself so i can brainstorm and photograph ideas. Maybe instead of pumping out tons of pieces that are good, spend a lot of time on just a few pieces so that you can focus on perfecting and fixing them so they can really be great in the end.

  2. Thanks molly thats a good idea! i'll defiantly try and do that!!! hopefully my boss will be understanding.

  3. Take the days you have off of work, and completely devote them to your art . To put more time into them, and just focus the best you can on it, and just keep going till you can't stop.
