Thursday, February 24, 2011

HEY WHERES MY TIARA!?!?!?!? ugg show season...

Honistly, I'm stressed beyond beleif right now.  To see all my friends getting into shows is great, but the feeling of i'm not doing good enough to be put into a show is starting to overwhelm me.  I'm scared that my work isnt good enough and if thats the case, i can't go into an art feild.  If i'm not good enough, why try?  see my point,  I sappose that i'm just scared, I feel like I don't know what to do anymore and I feel like im running out of ideas and that's scary in itself.  I guess I just need some reasurence that what i'm doing is right and it is good.  Though it may not appeal to everyone I hope it at least appeals to some.  I'm really thankful for the feedback i've been getting from everyone, just be brutally honist with me at all times tho.  I've gone through more than any of you know (with the aception of nena).  I can take strong words, if you hate something just flat out say you hate it I'll toss it or rework it.  I'm scared of very little and i feel like you guys think I might eat you or something if u affend me, NOTE: the most ill do is pout or cry, it has to be really awful to make me cry. On a lighter note has my writting improved?  Help me get into shows? I don't do it to win, I do it to get my name out there, to be known for what I am best at is a step in the right direction. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011


YAY! i just thought i'd give a quick little paragraph or so update to my last blog.  Well call me crazy and say i've gone off the deep end but i did it.  i created my crazy pink girly flowered flyers and handed them out to ten girls, i've got ten more printed off and ready to go.  yay! so i;ve gotten some pretty good responces like one of my friends who is actually a model K.D she is going to model for me she said she loves the edgie stuff so I'm going to set up times and such to work around scheduals and all woo hoo! i'm certianally excited.  and i'm working with one girl now who is going to help me in the locker room shoot.  R.W i'm honestly exuberant.  and i can't wait to get it all shot and edited i think it will be a great project and i think it's already teaching me so much i can't wait to learn more.  thank you to everyone whos going to help me with all these projects.  and thank you AP students! your always encouraging and trying to help make me better.  Now i am off to take over and rule the world with art! 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I feel so lost in translation...

So I have decided that turnning into my normal art crating monster is going to be harder than i presumed.  I really have a ton of ideas but where the time and or the oppertunity arises i may never be able to get them out.  My concentration is Abuse of Wemon by men and im having a terrable time with all of it. i really need models and im thinking about making crative flyers and sticking them around the school.   Sometimes i wish the media hadnt poisened girls like me, into thinking were all some crazy hidious monster if we dont look like a fri***n<not a actual bad word just censored for my protection aginst teacher wrath> barbie doll.  i'm curvy and although i'd like to lose weight,, i love my curves, there fantastic.  im womanly. witch becomes a problem when im around older guys especially now that im 18.  i think things are just going to get even more complicated in the life and times of Kallie. oh well i like it that way, its what makes me artsy and creative, strong, independant , beautiful, ugly, smart, dumb, crazy and all around me.  sooo next week i'll be making model flyers! and handing them out hopefully i'll get some lovely ladies and a few hadsome gentlemen.  willing to step up to the bat?? let me know!  well til next week i'm outt!