Thursday, September 9, 2010

numero uno el response

In my portfolio i think that it would be easy to include figure drawings, still life's, and a self portrait or two.  i think to include these items are easy however i think making them look real and proportional will be a difficult task to achieve for myself, considering i hate doing still life's and i definitely HATE rope... (Ms. Wyse-fisher knows exactly what I'm talking about by the rope.)something that genuinely surprised me about the list was that for figure drawing it said to try doing nudes which i would not be opposed to doing. however i would like everything on that person to be somewhat covered... unless it was a girl cause I'm a girl i know what all that busies looks like. =]i have big plans for portfolio i want to defiantly put in my day of the dead zombie and my girl with her eyes stitched shut in it as well because they are two of my favorites thus far.  this year in portfolio i would really enjoy touching up my painting skills and attempting different types of painting and figuring out what really works for me so that i can become a more amazing artist and a better person who discovers more about her art and herself.  i have one college set on my heart i don't want another one, the art institute of shawnburge is where i really want to go because i will be close to Chicago and music and freedom. plus i LOVE Chicago it is truly my party town and its close to home but feels so much like new york.  well that's my plans for portfolio I'm excited to branch out this year and discover the artist i was always meant to be.